История песен

Начало песни Конец песни Длительность Название
18.11.2022 00:00:21 18.11.2022 00:04:01 00:03:40 Roxette - Sleeping In My Car
17.11.2022 23:49:05 17.11.2022 23:54:01 00:04:56 Aerosmith - Cryin
17.11.2022 23:41:00 17.11.2022 23:43:40 00:02:40 Arash;Helena - Angels Lullaby
17.11.2022 23:37:08 17.11.2022 23:40:49 00:03:41 Iglesias, Enrique - Lost Inside Your Love
17.11.2022 23:32:12 17.11.2022 23:36:04 00:03:52 Backstreet Boys - Shape Of My Heart
17.11.2022 23:28:56 17.11.2022 23:32:10 00:03:14 The Cardigans - Lovefool
17.11.2022 23:24:35 17.11.2022 23:28:57 00:04:22 Lewis, Leona - Bleeding Love
17.11.2022 23:20:41 17.11.2022 23:24:21 00:03:40 Coldplay - Adventure of a Lifetime
17.11.2022 22:56:32 17.11.2022 23:00:19 00:03:47 Williams, Robbie - Supreme
17.11.2022 22:52:22 17.11.2022 22:56:23 00:04:01 Simply Red - Stars
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